Monday, April 02, 2007


Ok, so to make it fair, I have actually analysed the statistics. Sorry people, but I just couldn't leave it being 'my own perception'. I had to make sure it was right. So the list is updated, according to the following rules:
  • The statistics are based on blogs since 1st March 2007 and up to (and including) 1st April 2007
  • The list is based on a 'days per blog' scheme, (Dividing number of blogs by number of days in the period under consideration) - so for those who started (or restarted) blogging within this time period, the length of time of blogging has been accounted for.
  • Every single blog post is included. Some people cheat and put three blog posts in one day! (Matt L) but each of these is still included because I couldn't think of any other fair way of doing it!

The statistics are as follows:

  1. Matt Leeder - blogged on average every 3.56 days. (Helped by the three times in one day and huge amount of blogs that were simply hyperlinks to other sites!)
  2. Richard Borrett - blogged on average every 3.67 days, (but has only been re-blogging 11 days! Well done!)
  3. Dawn Watson - blogged on average every 4 days, (sorry Dawn you were overtaken by a recent surge!)
  4. Sarah Tomkinson - blogged on average every 4.57 days
  5. Ann Borrett - blogged on average every 5 days, (but has only been re-blogging for 10 days)
  6. Amy Pinwill, Becks Hills, Andy Hill - blogged on average every 6.4 days
  7. Liz Hall, Bec Goldsmith, Glyn Harries, Matt White - blogged on average every 8 days, (Liz that's not even one a week! Come on! - Matt, sorry but Glyn blogged twice in one day!)
  8. Verity Hill - blogged on average every 13 days, (but V has only been blogging for 13 days! That's just one post!)
  9. Claire Tomkinson, Richard Wright - blogged on average every 16 days. Falling behind!
  10. Rach Bishop - blogged on average every 32 days. That was once in March. Rach - you may well blame this on course work, but come on! Once a month?! At leat that's better than Jo's once since November I guess!

Anyway. That's it on the blog-list front. Back to normal blogging very soon. I can feel lots of questions brewing!!!


Glyn Harries said...

Wow. The London underground seems to give you a lot more time than MI5 ever did.

RichardB said...

Has anyone suggested professional help?

Unknown said...

Hey! Richard. And you're near the top of the list!

Glyn - you would think that would be the case. However, its not. Take today for example. I am writing this comment at 17:56 exactly, having stopped work at 17:52 exactly. I should have finished at 16:30 but I am still here because I have so much to do. So why do I waste my time checking the statistics of other people's blogs? I don't know! Procrastination maybe?!

thesamesky said...

Ha! Yes, blogging has been on the back burner a bit recently. Sorry about that. Maybe I'll try and change it, who knows - lots of friends with babies, and coursework and its kinda hard to write when your 'job' is writing . . .